If you love our services, so will your friends and family!

Share us with your friends and family and get rewarded!
100 points = $10 rewards. A dollar spent is a point earned on service and product purchases including gift cards. Points will be awarded as follows:
- Refer a friend and earn 500 points
- Pre book next appointment and earn 20 points
- Post a review on Google, Yelp or Realself and earn 100 points per review
- Earn 2x points for any package/series purchase
- Book a service during your birthday month and earn 20 points
Quick Links To Post Reviews
A review on Google, Realself or Yelp earns 100 points each (up to 300 points) and you must show the review to earn the rewards. Please find below quick links to post your reviews and earn points!
Click to post PSW Google Review
Send your friends a message to see us and earn your rewards when they come!
Rewards Program Terms and Conditions
100 points = $10 rewards
By becoming a Spa/ Injectable patient you are automatically enrolled in our Patient Rewards program. Points will be awarded as follows:
– A dollar spent is a point earned on spa services, injectables, and retail product purchases including gift cards; this does not include tax or gratuity.
– When a package/series is purchased the member will earn 2x points.
– Refer a friend and acquire 500 reward points when the same friend completes their first treatment.
– During checkout, earn 20 points for Pre booking your next appointment.
– A review on Google, Realself or Yelp earns 100 points each (up to 300 points) and you must show the review to earn the rewards.
– A dollar spent is a point earned on spa services, injectables, and retail product purchases including gift cards; this does not include tax or gratuity.
– When a package/series is purchased the member will earn 2x points.
– Refer a friend and acquire 500 reward points when the same friend completes their first treatment.
– During checkout, earn 20 points for Pre booking your next appointment.
– A review on Google, Realself or Yelp earns 100 points each (up to 300 points) and you must show the review to earn the rewards.
Redeeming Points
– Redemption of reward points cannot be combined with any other coupons or special offers.
– Reward $ can only be used on full price spa services, products, or injectables, and cannot be applied towards surgery.
– No points earned when redeeming a gift card
– No points earned for surgery
– Any retail products that are subject to a return will result in a deduction of points based on the original transaction amount.
– Products purchased with points may not be returned for cash or credit.
– Reward points cannot be shared or combined with any other member’s account.
– Points earned in a transaction cannot be redeemed during the same transaction.
– Points do not have an expiration date
– Reward $ can only be used on full price spa services, products, or injectables, and cannot be applied towards surgery.
– No points earned when redeeming a gift card
– No points earned for surgery
– Any retail products that are subject to a return will result in a deduction of points based on the original transaction amount.
– Products purchased with points may not be returned for cash or credit.
– Reward points cannot be shared or combined with any other member’s account.
– Points earned in a transaction cannot be redeemed during the same transaction.
– Points do not have an expiration date
Plastic Surgery of Westchester reserves the right to change, suspend or modify the Rewards Points system at any given time without notice. The balance of points, as reflected in our records, shall be deemed correct.
Call us today at (914) 771-7373 to learn more about our products & services!
Our licensed specialists are happy to assist you with your specific questions.