Abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck,” is a surgical procedure which removes loose or overhanging skin and fat from the lower abdomen. An incision is made along the lower abdominal crease as… read more →
In aesthetic medicine, an injectable is an FDA-approved medical “device” which is injected into the target tissue (such as the muscle, subcutaneous, or subdermal / dermal layer) to either minimize… read more →
In this video, Dr. Vadim Pisarenko performs capsulectomy and breast exchange surgery, showcasing his expertise in delivering customized results. A capsulectomy with breast implant exchange is a surgical procedure that… read more →
Attiva S.I.H. (Subdermal Induced Heat Technology) is a new, FDA-approved device to tighten the deepest layers of skin and soft tissue by reorganizing existing collagen and stimulating new collagen production.… read more →
Oksana Breyginy is a licensed medical aesthetician and laser specialist with over 20 years of experience in aesthetics, including nine years specifically in medical aesthetics. She has worked closely with… read more →
Dr. Nicole Nemeth answers your top questions about the Mommy Makeover procedure, including who’s a good candidate, what recovery looks like, and how long is the recovery period. Watch the… read more →
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