Brachioplasty Procedure with Dr. Nemeth.

Meet one of our amazing patients who came to PSW to start his body transformation journey after losing 220 pounds. The first procedure he decided to do is an extended bilateral brachioplasty. This surgery is an advanced form of arm lift that goes beyond the standard procedure. In this surgery, excess skin and fat are removed not only from the upper arms but also extending into the chest or torso area. This helps address a larger area of loose or sagging skin, providing a more comprehensive improvement in contour and aesthetics. It’s often chosen when patients have significant skin laxity extending beyond the traditional upper arm region.

Brachioplasty, or “arm lift,” is a surgery to remove excess skin and fat from the arms. The procedure involves incisions made along the length of hanging skin and fat and may be combined with liposuction. Patients who have lost a significant amount of weight may be good candidates for a brachioplasty. The best candidates are patients who are at their stable, goal weight and with good underlying muscle tone.

Brachioplasty is performed under general anesthesia and patients frequently go home the same day; however, an overnight stay may be required if combined with other procedures. The scars can be variable and unpredictable in appearance and widen or separate during the healing process. Due to swelling and bruising, the final result is seen in three to six months. The results are lasting with healthy maintenance of weight.
